We focus on the more exciting work of repairing and retrofitting previous plumbing systems. That being said we do plumb new homes also. Each job is unique and we encourage you to call and explain what it is you are looking for so we can better understand your situation to come up with a solution that meets your needs. We are a certified Uponor installer of pex pipe.
Hot Water Tanks
Your choice of hot water tank depends on many factors: how long you are planning on living in your current home, the number of people residing there, the amount of hot water used, the space available and the list continues.
Tankless hot water heaters are efficient and energy savers. Installation also saves precious floor space in some homes where space is limited. We also install conventional hot water tanks.
Water Filters and UV Systems
Water filters can prevent particles from migrating through your water and system. A simple filter change periodically after the installation is all that is needed. On some systems UV is necessary. We can meet those needs and discuss measures that fit your situation.
“Don’t let the plumbing details prevent you from starting a new renovation. We can design solutions to overcome those challenges. We provide quality made products in our plumbing projects. “

Septic Systems
The most up to date methods and materials are used to design a system specific to your needs. We strive to install simple and efficient systems that will stand the test of time. Waterloo Biofilter System is our choice of tertiary system. We have installed septic systems where local authority said was impossible. Each job is unique and when dealing with septic systems we have the potential to save you money and time, and prevent you from making common mistakes. Call us and explain your situation and we will give you straight answers and advice to help you make difficult decisions.
“We Install all types and sizes of systems from Cottages to Residential to Commercial and Industrial application.”
Sewer Connections
Whether the home is new or the municipality has created a new sanitary line we can connect the sanitary to the municipal sewage system. Our plumbing will come from the house to the lateral on the municipal line then the trench will be back filled. Our plan is reviewed with our customer and a quote presented.
Sewage Injection Pumps
It is important to have the proper type of pump in your septic system. We have seen many systems with improper pumps that cause numerous issues with the efficiency of the system. We carry quality made sewage injection pumps for new septic system installation and for replacement of failed or improper pumps in existing systems. If you have concerns call us with questions. We will be glad to provide information.

Our high pressure jetter is inserted into a frozen or blocked line and water pressure is used to dislodge the blockage. If necessary our diagnostic camera is also used to access the situation at hand.
Electric Eel
The electric eel is inserted into a blocked pipe and spins to work its way through slow draining or blocked solid pipes. This method is not used on corrugated lines. Depending on the severity of the blockage the jetter is used to further flush the area.
Root Control
In the event of root infiltration we have a product for root control. The formula is distributed through the toilet or directly in the sanitary clean out outside. It slowly destroys the roots and prevents growth. A yearly program is a very cost effective way to divert problems.
Heat Trace Lines
Drainage lines that are outside or have the potential to freeze can be fit with heat tracer line. There are a few choices depending on the situation but are basically inserted or wrapped around the exterior line and plugged in during the winter. Heat tracer gives home and cottage owners’ peace of mind during the cold winter months. Call us for details.

Pipe Camera
Our pipe diagnostic camera is a valuable tool to show exactly why a problem is happening and where the problem area is. This service eliminates the need for guess work which saves you money and prevents unnecessary excavation in your yard. The camera is inserted in the pipe that is causing the issue and a visual of the interior of the pipe is shown on our computer screen. When the blockage is found we locate the camera head from above the ground and access the area needed for excavation or the proper tool to dislodge the blockage.
Locating Service Lines
Our locating device will tell us where underground lines are on private property. This allows us to hand dig in those locations and continue with our excavator around them.

Many cottage owners close up the cottage for the winter months. This entails draining the water system and pumps to prevent freezing. We can visit your cottage and winterize for you. If you like to vacation during the winter heat tracer on your lines is an option. In the spring the lines need flushing and pumps tested. Just let us know if there is anything we can do to make the change of season more convenient for you.

Lift Stations
We supply and install pump chamber lift stations, plumbing, pumps, alarms, floats and accessories new or for the replacement of an existing station. Repairs on existing stations are also available.
Sump Pumps
Sump pump pits and pumps are an avenue to remove unwanted moisture from under the basement floor. If a sump pit is needed we can install one with a pump to remedy your water issues. We also install new pumps in the case your existing one fails.
Back up Water Pumps
Back up water pumps are a home owner’s peace of mind. When the hydro fails or your pump stops working you will have an alternate way to continue pumping the excess water to prevent flooding.
Water Alarms
A water alarm placed in a strategic location will let you know if moisture has moved to an undesired location. This can save valuables and flooring in finished and storage areas.

If you are experiencing moisture in the basement we can access the possible cause of the issue. In many cases the block is cracked and needs repairing. Foundation repair is usually done by excavating to expose the area of block or the wall needing repair and applying a sealer and foundation wrap. The area is then backfilled and the water problem solved. There are many causes of dampness. Don’t hesitate to call and ask for our professional opinion.