About Us
When choosing a contractor it is important to choose someone you can trust and has your best interest in mind. We don’t cut corners or use inferior products. In our current economy many companies have been increasing profits at the expense of uninformed customers.
When you hire us we will act on your behalf to unsure you become informed and don’t make mistakes that end up costing you. We choose not to have a large advertising budget and rely on word of mouth along with customer satisfaction for the success and growth of our business.
Every business thinks that they are the best but what sets us apart is that we have 30 plus years experience and you are dealing with real people not a computer answering machine or a corporate head office. We are real people that live, work, and play within our community, Northern Ontario.
Our Qualifications
- 30+ years in the business
- Licensed plumbers
- Licensed septic and sewer designer and installer
- Many other certificates and course accreditations
“We treat all paying customers the same regardless of the size of the job. No job is the same but they are all important to us and we will find a solution that fits your exact needs.”
“We are not lawyers advice is free.”